We received a call from some folks in Marble Falls about a beehive they had in a shed on the back of their property. The home owner said they thought the hive had only been there a couple years. Check out this monster honeycomb!
It’s swarm season in Central Texas. As bees outgrow their hive large groups leave to form a new home. This is called a swarm. Swarms are calm and will not hurt you if left alone. We received a call from a wonderful Horseshoe Bay couple about this swarm located near their property entrance. We were able to safely transport the swarm to a box and identified the queen. We leave the box until nightfall to insure we have all the scout and forager bees collected.
This small beehive was located in a water meter box in in Marble Falls, Texas and we had the joy of safely removing the bees. These bees were so gentle our suits weren’t really even needed. The property owner had noticed bees for a few months and was scared she was going to get stung. If you have a hive on your property that you’d like removed responsibly call us today.